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Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Gunnar Carlson, Chair

Community Engagement Manager, Riverton Community Housing

Nasibu Sareva, Vice Chair

Executive Director, African Development Center

Laura Zabel, Past Chair

Executive Director, Springboard for the Arts

Jim Erchul, Treasurer

Executive Director, Dayton’s Bluff NHS

Will Delaney, Secretary

Associate Director, Hope Community, Inc

Anisha Murphy

VP of Community Advancement, Community Reinvestment Fund, USA

AsaleSol Young

Executive Director, Urban Homeworks

Jeru Gobeze

Advocacy Director, Habitat for Humanity Minnesota

Mandy Pant

Associate Director of Real Estate Development, Project for Pride in Living

Perla Mayo

Deputy Director of Lending, Neighborhood Development Center

Our Members

African Development Center
African Economic Development Solutions
Alliance Housing Incorporated
American Indian CDC
Asian Economic Development Association
Aurora/Saint Anthony NDC
Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative
Build Wealth Minnesota
Building Blocks
City of Lakes Community Land Trust
Clare Housing
CommonBond Communities
Community Housing Development Corporation
Community Reinvestment Fund
Dayton’s Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services
East Side Neighborhood Development Company
Emerge Community Development
First Children’s Finance
Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation
Hmong American Partnership
Homes Within Reach
Hope Community
Lake Street Council
Latino Economic Development Center

Metropolitan Economic Development Association
Model Cities
Neighborhood Development Alliance
Neighborhood Development Center
NeighborWorks Home Partners
New American Development Center
Nexus Community Partners
Northcountry Cooperative Foundation
Northeast CDC
Northside Economic Opportunity Network
Northside Residents Redevelopment Council
PRG, Inc.
Project for Pride in Living
Redesign, Inc.
Riverton Community Housing Association
Rondo Community Land Trust
RS Eden
Springboard for the Arts
Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
Twin Cities Housing Development Corporation
Two Rivers Community Land Trust
Urban Homeworks
Volunteers of America National Services
West Bank CDC