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May 1, 2024


Racial Equity Training

Our values are not just words on paper, they are the guiding principles that shape everything we do at MCCD. One of our core values is Racial Justice and Intersectionality. We believe in an anti-racist approach to our work, making sure everyone’s identity is honored, and recognize how this lives in how we work and operate on every level.

We are putting in the work practicing our values and have started our third phase of racial equity training: Operationalizing Racial Equity. Putting our racial equity tools into practice, we ignited vulnerable and productive conversations.

Our team engaged in another racial equity training session: Racial Equity Tool & Communication. This session was an intensive work group setting that challenged our thinking and helped us see opportunities to put equity into action.

Throughout the year, our team remains committed to coming together for ongoing racial equity training, integrating these learnings into every aspect of our work.